
The Online Catalogue for your Education and Meeting Spaces

Make your very own education space catalogue carrying your institute’s tag and logo, comprising:
- Overview Page with all education and meeting spaces
- Detail Pages with specifications, just one click away
- Admin Pages to appropriate headings and sublists
ESViewer is part of and available as submodule for only one-third of the licence price.
Register and opt for ESViewerOnly to start right away.
Overview Page

This composed picture shows an example how all education and meeting spaces are listed in one overview to give teaching staff one point of focus when they search for affordances that fit with their teaching practice or pedagogy.

Detail Page
This composed picture shows an example of a selected detail page with all space affordances in one go, from teaching practice to AV-IT, from typology to lay-out, and many other features.
This composed picture shows an example how one may search with texts or how selections are made with available filters


Dr. A.H.W. van der Zanden PhD B.Eng is education expert with special focus on AV-IT and qualitative interior issues of teaching and learning spaces. He has an instigating role in the design and development of education facilities. Piet advises about audio-visual, pedagogical, ergonomic and technical issues, and is involved in feasibility and usability studies.

This is a photo of education expert doctor Piet van der Zanden


M.J.Heijink B.Eng is software engineer with special focus on bridging the education domain with the latest developments in Information Technology. His excellent coding techniques complete commercial online and collaborative learning environments with bespoke interfaces. Marcel is experienced in Python, C#, Java, Docker and Kubernetes.

This is a photo of coding expert Marcel Heijink
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